Data Archive

Natsal-1, Natsal-2 and Natsal-3

The datasets for Natsal-1, Natsal-2 and Natsal-3 have all been deposited with the UK Data Service (serial numbers SN 3434, SN 5223 and SN 7799, respectively).

Natsal COVID

The dataset for the Natsal COVID-19 study 2020 is also available from the UK Data Archive (serial number SN 8865).

Natsal-3 Teaching Datasets

In addition, Natsal-3 Teaching Datasets are available for download with accompanying documentation (SN 8735 and SN 8786). These are based on a subset of the Natsal-3 dataset in terms of the number of variables included.

Qualitative dataset

Natsal-3 includes a qualitative dataset comprising 126 follow-up interviews with survey participants. The interviews explored five themes: later age at first parenting/involuntary childlessness; sexual dissatisfaction among women in mid-life; men paying for sex; sexual difficulties in older adults; re-partnering and STI risk in mid-life. If you would like access to this dataset for secondary analysis, please contact and copy to Please note that there may be a charge to cover costs of preparing data for sharing.